The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) was formed to formalize the ongoing operating procedures of the NJWEA; and, to recommend a short and long term strategic plan for the Association’s future operations. The Strategic Plan describes primary goals and objectives of the NJWEA including how the Association interacts internally and with other Member Associations, organizations and the WEF.
The LRPC provides direction for the Association in the form of policy recommendations and plans that are submitted to the Executive Committee for review, discussion, and possible implementation. Though the Committee primarily interacts through the Executive Committee, the Committee also works with other NJWEA committees as needed by request of individual committees or the Executive Committee. The LRPC also interacts (through its individual members) in an outreach forum with WEF and other Member Associations.
Committee Chair: Robert Fischer
Committee members include current NJWEA Officers, the Executive Director, the Treasurer, Delegates, Section Presidents (or their appointees), the Chair or appointee of the S&YP Committee and past Delegates and other NJWEA members as requested by the chair.
Current Members Include:
Conference Management Committee
Constitution & By Laws Committee
Information Technology Committee
Legislative Analysis Committee