Constitution and By-Laws Committee
Purpose: The Committee considers matters referred to it by the Governing Council, the Executive Committee or the President. Such matters have to do with the Associations Constitution, By-Laws and/or Manual of Policies, Administrative Practices and Procedures.
Specifically, this Committee is responsible for reviewing these documents from time to time in order that they may be updated as required. The Committee prepares all proposed amendments to these documents for consideration by the Governing Council or Executive Committee as appropriate.
This Committee is also be responsible for reviewing the Constitution, By-Laws and/or Manual of Policies, Administrative Practices and Procedures of the three (3) Sections of the Association and certifying that these Section documents and any amendments thereto are compatible with, and not in conflict with, the Association Constitution, By-Laws and/or Manual of Policies, Administrative Practices and Procedures.
Makeup of Committee: This Committee is comprised of at least five (5) members, one of whom shall be a Past President, either the President-Elect or the Vice-President, and one representing each of the three (3) Sections of the Association.
Current Members:
Conference Management Committee
Constitution & By Laws Committee
Information Technology Committee
Legislative Analysis Committee