Welcome to the PWO/Operations Challenge Committee Home Page
To recognize excellence and professionalism in wastewater treatment, operations, maintenance, laboratory, safety and collection systems personnel.
Nature of Competition
All teams will compete in all events. Each event will be judged and scored separately against established criteria. The scores of all events will be totaled to determine the champion team.
Five separate competitive events will be held.
a. Vaughan Pump Maintenance: A pump trouble alarm was received via the SCADA system at the Operations Control Center. A crew has been dispatched to troubleshoot the alarm. The teams will need to troubleshoot the electrical control panel, troubleshoot and perform routine maintenance on the Vaughan pump and restore the pump station to normal operating condition.
b. Collection System: Teams will be required to cut out a section of an 8 PVC sewer pipe with water flowing through it, drill and install a 4 service saddle into the replacement pipe, cut and install the replacement section with couplings and program a Hach Sampler.
c. Safety: While a facility crew is working, one of the workers collapses inside a manhole. The coworker is found at the bottom, it is suspected that he/she has been overcome with an unknown gas or lack of oxygen due to a worn 4 check valve. Two team members will enter the manhole, rescue the worker and repair the leaking check valve.Teams will be required to rescue a downed co-worker from a simulated manhole.
d. Process Control: The process control event consists of answering a number of multiple choice questions, some short math questions with multiple choice answers, and up to five operational type scenarios that have four to six questions each that may require considerable calculation.
e. Laboratory: Laboratory results are valuable as a record of plant operations. This data lets the operator know how efficiently the plant is running and help predict and prevent troubles that may be developing within the various processes. The teams will analyze and determine total suspended solids, conductivity/TDS and performing solids mass balance across a treatment system.
Contact Information
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Battle by the Bay Coordinator
Katherine Collinge 856-563-4323