Site Remediation Committee

Course Offering

The NJWEA Site Remediation Committee sponsored a full day course on Waste Management for LSRP’s and Remediation Practitioners on June 2, 2015 at the Sheraton in Eatontown, NJ.

The course featured private sector and NJDEP experts on a number of topics on the management of waste materials that are generated during the investigation and remediation of recent or historical discharges at a site. Topics during the course included:

  • Updates from the State Licensing Board
  • Waste Characterization and Classification
    • Generator Knowledge
    • Sampling and Analysis
  • Waste Management Documentation
  • Disposal Options
  • Generator Responsibilities
  • Storage Regulation
  • Risk and Liability Management

Presentations from the course can be found at:  NJWEA-06022015_Presentations.  You can also view the notes pages on Lisa Hamiltons presentation by followint this link: LisaHamilton-WithNotes

The course provided 6 LSRP CEC hours ( 5 Regulatory and 1 Technical) as well as 6 NJ PE CEC hours and 6 Training Contact Hours for NJ Water/Waste Water licensed Operators, pending final approvals.

Thank you fro attending and we hope to see you at future events. If you are not on our email list, please send your contact information to our representative below.


Mission Statement and Contact Information

The Site Remediation Committee of the New Jersey Water Environment Association (NJWEA) is a voluntary committee of professionals practicing primarily in the fields of site investigation and remediation along with hazardous material management. Membership is open to all interested NJWEA members from the public and private sector including attorneys, regulators, environmental and engineering consultants, academia, students, and industry representatives.

It is the charge of the Site Remediation Committee to promote professionalism in our areas of practice; act as a nonpartisan advocate for the education and promotion of cost-effective scientifically based solutions to environmental issues which are protective of human health and the environment; provide training opportunities to maintain baseline certifications for practicing in the field; and provide networking opportunities for our members.

The Site Remediation Committee shall meet on a regular basis to discuss current issues in the field and determine what actions, if any, may be appropriate for the Committee to undertake to accomplish its mission. Actions can include, but are not limited to preparing and disseminating informative publications; conducting seminars for the public and/or professionals in our field on technical, regulatory or policy issues; commenting to regulatory agencies on proposed laws, rules, regulations or policies; and/or sponsoring networking opportunities for members.

For information on the Site Remediation Committee,upcoming seminars, or to get on our email list, please contact:

Peter J. Postorino,
AWT Environmental Services, Inc.
(T) (732) 613-1660